The 2 Apps Everyone Needs To Download Today

Everyone needs to download these 2 apps! I’m not talking about photo editing apps, or apps to put together cool videos or track your distance running – I’m talking about apps to rate the toxins in your household products.
I’ve been sharing my favorite products for a while, slightly hinting at my effort to change out my current products with non-toxic ones, but I haven’t shown you exactly what’s helping me make these decisions. (Because we all know I’m no scientist.) What’s nontoxic & what’s toxic? You might think “clean” brands are good to go, as long as you stick with them you’re toxin-free! Unfortunately, you’re wrong. Some nontoxic brands have a few products sneak through with fucking toxins, which is highly annoying. Again – us verse these corporations. That’s what it’s all about for me now. These heavy hitters think human beings are dumb, and they treat us that way. Pretty labels, lots of jargon, all-natural – then sneak toxic chemicals into the products we’re buying every day. Rude.
The good news is that it’s very EASY to find out exactly what companies are trying to do that to us. We have the internet. It’s 2019. Evil can’t slide through the cracks anymore.
I already check the ingredients on almost every single thing I consume & I buy most of my produce organic – so food has been covered for a while in my house. Household products & personal care products were always too intimidating. I don’t know how to read ingredients on a lotion bottle & determine if they’re toxic, you feel me? So I had to trust the label & buy whatever I thought was best. Fingers crossed.
Then, I discovered the Think Dirty App & the EWG App.
I’m not going to lie, I scanned one of my foundations & it was rated 8 so I closed the app & ignored it for a few months. I wasn’t ready. Eventually, I decided to take it one product at a time. I started with my at-home self-tanner. I put tanner all over my body, often, so it seemed like the most important place to begin. To my surprise, I found a more affordable self-tanner that did just as good of a job as the one I already owned, but it was rated ZERO! ON BOTH APPS! No toxins or weird shit!
After that discovery, nothing could slow me down. I’ve been rampant.
Since I’m always sharing my favorite products, I wanted to take a step back & start by showing you how I’m choosing them.
The 2 Apps Everyone Needs To Download Today
Taken from Think Dirty Website: “Think Dirty® is committed to helping consumers identify the potential risks associated with the personal care products they use every day. Unlike other ingredient databases, we focus exclusively on the chemical content of the products in question… Each ingredient listed on the product label or manufacturer’s website is evaluated for documented evidence of Carcinogenicity, Developmental & Reproductive Toxicity and/or Allergenicity & Immunotoxicity”
I started my clean product binge with the Think Dirty app because it’s very simple to use. It’s also really pretty & userfriendly. I find that this app has more products in its database than others. One thing that can be frustrating is scanning a few different products & having NO rating, meaning the product hasn’t been evaluated yet. Don’t let that handicap you. When that happens, I tend to ignore the product completely & find one that has a rating OR, I try to find a very similar product in the same brand. For example, if a brand has a matte foundation & a dewy foundation but I can’t find the dewy foundation – I see what the matte foundation is rated. Although, I do truly strive to buy only products I find rated on one of these apps. I don’t want a company to depend on me being dumb, if I’m going to spend money I want to spend it on the right products. Cuz I deserve respect.
This is how the app works – you scan the barcodes of products via the Think Dirty App & you’ll see what they’re rated. 0-10. 0 being CLEAN & 10 being TOXIC AF. Another cool part of this app is the Trending Now articles that share other clean products you may not have heard of before. This is actually how I found both Burt’s Bees products & NKD SKN tanning products! Browsing is fun & you can like products as you go so you can easily reference them next time you’re at the store.
Think Dirty also has a section where you can put all your products on the virtual: “My Bathroom Shelf”. There, you can see what all your products are rated, combined. Are they all safe & green or are majority toxic & red?
I’ve lost many hours to this app & if you ever see me in Ulta, expect to find me literally scanning the store for only GREEN products. Hours. I’m telling you, hours.
Taken from EWG Website: “There are other marks on the market, but none like EWG VERIFIED™. It’s the only mark backed by EWG’s reputation, scientific rigor and 14 years of experience in product evaluations – evaluations that you already count on and that are recognized worldwide. Our team of scientists – toxicologists, chemists and epidemiologists – scrutinizes every product so you can be sure that a product bearing the EWG VERIFIED™ symbol meets our strictest standards. And most importantly, EWG VERIFIED™ is 100 percent transparent about our criteria and our evaluations. You know exactly what we’re looking for in products because we tell you.”
With the EWG Verified mark you know the product avoids EWG’s ingredients of concern, provides full transparency and uses good manufacturing practices.
To say this excited me is an understatement. Really tickles my pickle. I should mention for both of these apps they have a team of scientists & chemists that ultimately decide the rating. Praise be. EWG stands for Environmental Working Group. If you go into a store like Whole Foods you might find the EWG Verified sign on some of the brands (if a brand is verified they’re usually bragging about it.) And it’s SO helpful for me when I have no idea what I’m looking for with products. Like I said, who knows what’s toxic or not when it comes to makeup ingredients?! Scientist Plz.

Ok, now go download them! Both apps! I typically use the Think Dirty App more often but I’ll put the EWG app to work too. You know, cross-referencing. They both have their time & place. After they’re downloaded, think about the product you use most often & get to scanning. See where you’re at. I’m so excited for you!
Now you’ll know where I’m coming from whenever I recommend a product. It’s hard for me to share something that’s super toxic because I love you. Even if you don’t care, I do. I’ll do my best to keep things as clean as possible around here.
That’s all I have for now! Any other secret apps out there that everyone needs to know about?
Love you
Be thoughtful
Shop Clean Beauty:
Yes! I love the Think Dirty app. To be fair it scared me too at first, for months. I use it a lot more now and can’t believe how easy it is!
Right?? Yes, it’s so scary at first. I literally stopped using it for months. But now I use it for everything I see! 🙂 I’m glad you use it too, health first!
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