April 9, 2020

The GOOD News to the Bad News | 2020

Well hello there, I’m your good news fairy godmother and I’m happy to be sharing a few things with you today.

The current news cycle is like the devil warship sent out to gather the scared little minions by the millions until there’s not one ounce of goodness or hope left behind.

Oh yeah?!  Another 26 year old is in critical condition from COVID-19 & he was a superhuman athlete that only ate lettuce & ran 3 miles a day & played chess with his sweet grandma every Sunday after Church Service & bible study but will probably die now?  “Thanks for sharing, news!”

Oh yeah!? You’re going to bury dead people under the parks in New York City because there’s nowhere else to put all the dead bodies and this will carry over to every city in America but just kidding only if the death count gets too high to burden, not yet, to be clear not yet.  “Thanks for sharing news!”

Oh yeah?! The number of deaths could reach 10 million if we don’t get our shit together fast & stay inside so stay inside even more than you are now even though you are already inside all day, do it even more please.  “Thanks for sharing news!”

I could do WITHOUT the g-damn news.  Imagine in 2019 if every single radical death of a physically fit human being was shared on a global level of media?  How sad would our day to day be?   Death is not new.  But right now, that’s what we’re being pumped full of.  We’re already locked down, inside, following rules, washing hands, scared & nervous – do we need to keep hearing every single worst-case scenario?

I wanted to share the GOOD FUCKING NEWS, so here we go.

The GOOD News to the Bad News

The Bad News in Your Head: We were already so distant, now we’re even more isolated.

The Good News:

Like anything in life, you don’t appreciate something until it’s gone.  And you don’t have the really really good, without experiencing the really really bad.  Yin & Yang.  We were growing further & further apart as human beings, but I think we’ve reached a significant turning point.  One of my biggest health concerns recently wasn’t a supplement, medicine or workout routine – it was isolation.  We got so used to dodging get-togethers that we started accepting that as normal, getting away with it by saying we’re introverted.  I was, and I think people were, blowing off genuine connections.  Not placing significant value on them.  Everything, especially human interactions, were fast & fleeting.  The good news?!  In the future, we’ll appreciate being together in a new way that will make the moments sweeter.  I bet you can’t wait to give your family members a hug!  When was the last time you felt that way?   We’ll give hugs with profound meaning.  We’ll smile at a passerby with intention.  We’ll truly enjoy each other’s company.  Something we so recently took for granted.  Genuine interactions!  Doesn’t that sound great, like a way of life to look forward to?

The Bad News in Your Head: Will things ever be the same?

The Good News:

No, things won’t be the same.  But life isn’t meant to be lived on the exact same path, day after day after day!  What a boring existence.  Some of us have the motivation to create change, but some of us are too hesitant – this situation has forced change upon all of us.    What’s happening today won’t account for a future that functions exactly the same as it did before the Coronavirus outbreak.  Think of Septemeber 11th, flying hasn’t been the same since.  (Although I don’t prefer that comparison because that scenario had more lasting negative ramifications than I believe this will.)  Like I mentioned above, we’ll appreciate human connection more than before!  NOT in the same way, in a better way.  Moments happen that change your life forever, maybe after marriage or a new baby.  A job change or death.  Graduating from college or having a health scare.  Take for example death, probably the worst type of change to ever exist, but many of us can admit that loss makes you appreciate the present moment in a radical way.  You realize the present is all you have, you love in a renewed way.  The negative results of change are there as a reminder of the past, what you went through, how far you’ve come, & to appreciate the good.   CHANGE is inevitable.  If we take this time to adjust our priorities & recalibrate – things can be better than before.  Try not to flow against the current & resist change, try to embrace it!

The Bad News in Your Head: I don’t know if I’ll have enough money or if there will be work

The Good News:

No one else knows either.  You’re not the only one shitting your pants a little about finances, the entire United States is worried even if they don’t act like it.  And if the entire United States is worried, that’s an entire WORLD of people that are also worried.  The good news is that you’re not the only one worried, so you’re not the only one that’s going to work their ass off to get on their feet again.  We’re all in a position of – fucked.  Maybe not yet, but it’s crossed a lot of our minds.  But remember, the worst thing in the world isn’t necessarily losing all your money.  Realize that for a second, you lose all your money & scrimmage to get it together by living with family or friends.  Borrowing money.  Literally doing what you have to in order to survive, but you’ll survive.  You’ll be ok.  You’ll get a shelter over your head & you’ll get food in your family’s mouth.  You aren’t alone & I believe we have a world of humans that genuinely want to help, make sure their neighbors are ok.  THIS is where we need to work together & have compassion.  Money, in particular, quickly becomes stressful because of the vulnerability most of us have around finances.  We’re scared to admit we don’t have money, we don’t know where or how to pay the mortgage, we’re in an in-between situation, ect.  This is an icky feeling that a lot of us are either going through now or will be, but remember money doesn’t speak for your character.  You are still, YOU.  Be vulnerable if that means getting the help you need.  You will, we WILL, get back on our feet & take care of ourselves again. True friends & heros will shine in a time you open up your vulnerabilities, & that opportunity is priceless.

The Bad News in Your Head: We’re missing out on so much! My wedding, my dad’s 60th birthday party, the prom!

The Good News:

You have mobility & health.  Do you realize how lucky you are if you can walk out your front door?  You have something to be extremely happy about.   I know these missed events & milestones are depressing to pass up, but remember what I said above -people are going to connect in a more profound way when we’re finally able to be together.  Your missed event has the potential to be better than it was going to be before.  Besides that, really keep in mind how lucky you are to currently have your health & mobility.  Did you know people quarantine themselves all the time?  As individuals, while the world continues moving.  I know this because the last 2 spring seasons I had to look out my window & wish I was outside with my dog on the walking path like everyone else.  My allergies are so bad in the spring (epi-pen bad), that I have to enjoy spring from my living room window.  As someone who would literally be a pale pink flower blowing in the wind & glistening in the rain, viewing spring out of a window breaks a precious thread deep inside the core of my being.  I still remember to have gratitude in those soul-sucking months.  Many other people have also been quarantined due to unfortunate circumstances in their lifetimes.  And a lot of them survive, sometimes stronger!  (What champions!)   Before you feel sad about a missed event, remember the person that was recovering from an accident in the hospital for weeks while the world carried on.  Or the mothers on bed rest to protect their sweet angel babies while the world rolled on.  Or the people going through medical treatments that were too weak to leave home while the world rolled on.  The Good News?  You’re healthy.  You’re able.  The world is on hold with you.

The Bad News in Your Head:  It’s never going to get better! We’re all going to die!

The Good News:

You, Prez Trump, the ER doctor, and my therapist can NOT predict the future.  I know, shocking.  I learned this with my anxiety when I was 100% certain an asteroid was going to hit earth on Dec 23, 2016, and it didn’t. I spent a few months worried.  I do that with catastrophes & illnesses often.  Because sometimes, I think I’m Jesus Christ himself walking the beautiful land of Earth.  Then I’m reminded, time & time again, that I’m just Katie.  A human on earth with no idea what’s going to happen next, just the present moment.  No one, I repeat no one, knows what’s going to happen with this virus you guys.  You can watch every single news channel, all hours of the day, looking for an answer & I’m here to tell you – you won’t find a truth.   Doctors are probably the smartest as far as viruses are concerned, but even for them, this is new!  Too new to know.  Our current situation is new for everyone, I haven’t seen Jesus Christ or a Spiritual superpower cruising around with the truth, so I choose to remain present & hopeful because as a collective I truly do believe things will get better for all of us.

And as your fairy godmother of good news, that’s the report for the day.

I know there is a lot of concern & worry going around right now, but I haven’t felt called to write about anything too negative, doomsday or heavy – yet.  I still feel fairly light & hopeful.  I share that because it’s a rare feeling & for some reason it’s seemed to linger within me.

I have to go put oils on my dry & cracking hands now, but it was wonderful chatting today.  Cheers to the good.

Love you extra,

be thoughtful


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