February 28, 2017

Say Goodbye to Ready-to-Bake Cookies & Hello to Your Homemade Version

Did You Know? The largest cookie weighed 40,000lbs with 101ft diameter. Immaculate Baking Company had to surround the whole creation with heaters (more than 20 altogether) to get the sheet to baking temperature.  As for the cookie dough, it was made from 40,000 pounds of ingredients. ( v i a )

I was planning an entire post on my favorite online clothing shops but had a craving for cookies that I couldn’t resist, so the clothes will have to wait.  My mind is too distracted to talk about sequins & sales (<< very rare).


My ultimate guilty pleasure: Cookies.  I RARELY find myself saying no to a cookie.  Other desserts don’t typically tempt me, but a cookie & I can’t walk away.   The gold mine was when I figured out how easy/delicious ready to bake cookies were.  Gooey & worth every extra pound to the hips.

Because I know majority of the ingredients in ready-to-bake cookies are shit, I stopped buying them. But the cookie craving could not be curbed.  I tried buying the “organic”,  ready-to-bake cookies or gluten-free or packaged cookies that had a little better of an ingredient list, but they were simply not as good, no way around it.


I decided to hunt down a perfect cookie dough that I could easily make myself.  And that would NOT go flat. Taste like ready-to-bake but be homemade.

I would have my own ready to bake cookies with ingredients that I chose myself.  No more mysterious maltodextrin, cellulose gum, xanthan, high fructose corn syrup, or other bullshit.  ONLY ingredients of my choosing.

At the very least, I can pick my own poison.


The recipe from Averie Cooks: Softbatch Cream Cheese Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Cookies is the bees knees.

The hard part for me was always finding a recipe I could make myself that was a NO FAIL win & this recipe is the golden ticket.

I roll the cookies into super small balls & freeze them in separate containers of about 8.  That way I can easily grab a pack of balls out of the freezer & stick it in the refrigerator for my own homemade, ready-to-bake cookies.

Also, as I’m practicing portion control, really small cookies will do the trick.

I should note, I’m not a huge chocolate fan but these cookies are delicious & completely satisfying.  For chocolate lovers or non-chocolate lovers.

{Full disclosure, Wafiq was helping me roll balls the other day & they were the size of my hand.  To each their own.}

My homemade ready-to-bake cookies! Perfect size containers: HERE


These cookies are perfect for a quick dessert that tastes totally homemade but they’re so easy & simple to keep on hand it’s rather unbelievable.


Give them a try!  And don’t ever buy the ready-to-bake kind, maybe I was on my own as I traveled down that road but admitting the problem is the first step to recovery.


Anyone have a cookie recipe that they can freeze & bake later but still tastes extra delicious??


Have a great week & be thoughtful.




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