Affordable Gifts That Are Perfect For Anyone
Did You Know? “The term “Cyber Monday” was coined by Ellen Davis, and was first used within the ecommerce community during the 2005 holiday season. According to Scott Silverman, the head of, the term was coined based on 2004 research showing “one of the biggest online shopping days of the year” was the Monday after Thanksgiving (12th-biggest day historically)” (via)
Let the holiday shopping commence! For the real go-getters you’re already done with all your holiday shopping because you knocked it out during the black Friday sales. Well done. For the rest of us, we’ll be squeezing in time after work up until Christmas Eve.
The people that come to mind when gift giving is my homeopathic doctor, my therapist, the lady who does my nails, the friends I see everyday… The people that have had a lot of meaning in my life over the past year are the ones that I don’t want to forget. BUT, the trick is, they’re not close enough to get a personal or large gift for, but still deserve something
This list is for those people. You probably have at least 5 of these people in your life right now that you’ll have to give something. I a lot of time on this list, making sure it’s narrowed down & specific to fit exactly what you’re needing, you can trust me on these!
5 Affordable Gifts Perfect For Anyone
1:: Cookbook – This is a favorite suggestion of mine because it can be given to anyone! Even people who don’t necessarily like cooking might be inspired with a new cookbook. I suggest finding one that matches the person’s personality. If they don’t have diet restrictions I can highly recommend Chrissy Teigen’s Cravings and for people with diet restrictions try Thug Kitchen as a feisty kick.
2:: Yeti Water Bottle – If you didn’t know, Yeti’s are the big metal looking water bottles you see everyone carrying around. They keep your drink freezing cold or piping hot… forever. Who doesn’t need one of those? or 2 or 10? They come in all sizes & color combo’s so you can truly find one that fits any personality. If you want to take it up a notch – customize it! Trust me, these are real winners.
3:: Lavender Spa Mask – This is a gift everyone wants, but no one buys themselves. GIVE it! Even the men in your life might not know they’ll appreciate a lavender spa mask this until they receive it… Once they use it, they’re SOLD! This exact eye mask sold out super quickly last year so if you’re interested in giving it, get one now!
4:: Note Cards – If you’re thinking about your doctors, coworkers, acquaintances – then note cards are a perfect gift. At some point, everyone is looking through there stuff for a nice note card to send. The need for a note card come up more than one would imagine! Find a nice set that can be used for absolutely anything and gift it this year! Try:: these for something simple & classic, or this cool animal Yoga option for something fun.
5:: Hu Kitchen Salty Chocolate Bar – oooooo baby, if you’ve been following me on Instagram you know my new chocolate addiction, Hu Kitchen Salty Chocolate Bars. I smash them up & use them as chocolate chips when I’m baking, but will often times break a square off & eat it for a quick snack. This is the gift to give! Because this chocolate is gluten free, dairy free, vegan & organic – almost anyone on your list can eat it! It’ll also be a good chance for someone that would typically search for a dairy free chocolate to try one, and trust me, they’ll be addicted! I found this link to buy the chocolate through Amazon, but totally check your local Whole Foods to see if you can get a better price.
There you have it! Do you guys buy gifts for the everyday people you see? I would suggest sending a physical card but caution you to go a little deeper than what you send everyone else… Christmas cards tend to be such a common tradition that you might consider something a little extra to make a true impression.
As a side note, it’s a little difficult to be shopping for everyone else isn’t it? Can I admit that? I have to constantly remind myself that these deals are GIFTS, not for ME.
Also! A quick reminder – during this next month, make sure you’re being thoughtful of the people around you & yourselves. Ultimately, I hope we can all take this time to be cheery, joyful, and together. Not knock people over or cuss in a parking lot to make sure we get the perfect gifts. Tis truly more than that.
Have a great week, be thoughtful.