September 5, 2019

The Water Bottle You Didn’t Know You Needed

The water bottle you didn’t know you needed, but do.  You know those things you purchase & it immediately makes sense.  Like why didn’t you have this a long time ago?  That’s this glass water bottle & let me explain why.

I recently gave this water bottle to my mom because it’s one of those things, I can’t believe I lived without it.  A glass water bottle?  Hello, duh.

Another thing I’d like to quickly note.  I had a spike in my anxiety the other night because I looked at the people that watch my story on Instagram (I never do that).  I typically don’t look at numbers, likes or views.  I accidentally have the reader statistics disabled on my blog, which I’m trying to fix, but am actually enjoying the moment of writing to “no one”.  But my anxiety spiked because there were a lot of people watching my story that day specifically that I didn’t know & I legit thought they were Russian spies.  Can you believe it? My mind?  Insane.

Back to this {just as} exhilarating water bottle.

water bottle

Perks of a Glass Water Bottle

Easy to Clean:

There are no gimmicks! Which is actually why I buy these two specific ones.  No weird suction, spray, straws, or tubes to worry about cleaning.  Mold, bacteria, and germs can get stuck in a lot of the fancy water bottles these days, so I’m especially appreciative of this simple design.  One glass bottle & a SUPER simple cap.


I mean for less than $20 I don’t know why you wouldn’t take the risk of trying a glass bottle… When I first ordered them I thought – for the price, I can at least see what I think of a glass bottle.  If it’s not for me, it’s not a big loss. But I ended up ordering more 🙂

Pretty Design:

The chicest, right?  The silicon cover prevents the glass from banging up against anything & breaking, you can also remove it.  There are a ton of color options & they all look sleek AF but I love the white & light pink, naturally.  Totally obsessed w the design, simple never goes out of style.

No Plastic:

Hello!! We’re done with plastic. Fucking done.  The Amazon is burning.  The bees are dying.  Not to mention, there are chemicals in that plastic that can sneak into your precious water that your body doesn’t love.   Glass is not only better for the environment, but it’s also better for YOU. YUMMY.

water bottle

What to order:

The WHITE water bottle: Designed with a thicker glass so it’s more durable & has a smaller opening on top.  It’s also a little larger size than the pink one. Find it HERE

The PINK water bottle: Designed with a super large opening, great for ice cubes, and it’s a little thinner glass so not as heavy but probably a little more fragile.  Find it HERE

water bottle

water bottle

I know there are a lot of YETI fans out there, and I used to be.  I carried my huge Yeti everywhere because it kept my water freezing cold, but I’ve been transitioning away from cold water.  Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us that the body likes room temperature water.  Why?  “In Chinese Medicine, excess cold fluids deplete our digestive heat.  This slows digestion creating sluggish bowel movements characterized by bloating and constipation.  For those with excess moisture in their system, weight loss is even more challenging.  The stomach-spleen supplies the kidney with the warmth to function optimally.” (via)  There are other reasons as well, you can find more HERE.  Believe it or not, up to you!

I’ve been sticking to room temperature water 80% of the time these days, no ice cubes.  So the Yeti is gone & these water bottles are in, plus they’re cuter & travel easier.

Let me know if you try one of these water bottles, or if you’ve been using glass water bottles the entire time?!

Have a great weekend, I’ll talk to you soon!

be thoughtful


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