June 5, 2018

The Story of My Meeting W A Cancer Curing Scientist

“Take a look at everything you’re doing with your life and make sure you’d choose it all again.”

Eeeek! I have a story for you!  I debated shoving this story into my Washington DC post but thought it was too special for that.  Things like this story stand out to me, give me good feelings inside & inspire me.  They pull my mind away from nonsense.  SO, I wanted to give it it’s own space.


Wafiq & I debated going to Washington DC while we were visiting Charlottesville VA because we knew it would have to be a super short trip, & wondered if the drive was worth it.  Once Wafiq’s family found out the option of D.C. was on the table, they pushed for it; one of his Aunt’s was also in D.C. at the time – we thought it was a good idea to all meet up.  (This is life when you don’t live near family, you have to make it work wherever/whenever!)

We met up with his aunt, Hala the first day, right after checking into the hotel.  Now let me tell you my condition, I just came from Charlottesville where I was in an extravagant wedding that truly exhausted me.  Not just the day, but the extravagance of everything too.   You can’t help but be a part of such a huge experience & eventually start comparing yourself… right?  I also had allergy frustrations come up, new people, grand things & overall… A LOT.

We met Hala at the tiny cafe inside the entrance of Nordstrom’s & found a little table outside, in the mall.  Wafiq’s aunt is TINY.  (PS.  there’s nothing like meeting Arab girls that makes you realize you could shed a few LBS.  lol!  They’re so small!)  Back on track, she was the tiniest little lady.

Also, let me tell you.  Meeting any “mom figure” Arab woman is always a gamble in my mind.  Sometimes they’re extremely kind to me, I’ve had unkind experiences as well.  Some are traditional, some judgemental, some curious, some opinionated – so I was hesitant to see how our meeting was going to go.

We started talking, she asked about my allergies right away, making sure I was ok.  After that quick conversation Wafiq threw in how smart his Aunt was, almost teasing – but if you know me, I had to get in there.  Smart people? I love.  Doesn’t matter what kind of smart.  I’m into it.

Getting through the humble weeds we discovered this sweet woman is a scientist.  And her science?  She works to find cures for cancer.  Literally.

Now, that’s enough right there for me to want to talk to her all day long, but it got even better… In her science, she begins with plants, what’s on Earth & builds from there.  She ended up creating 2 cures.

Yes, not 1.   2!

One for breast cancer & one for prostate cancer.  Both were on the market & used for 10 years.  They’ve since retired, we learned most cures have a shelf life because of the way we evolve.

You guys, wait for it…

Her father ended up being diagnosed w prostate cancer during the time her medicine was on the market.  The doctor was telling her father he would have to wait a few weeks to get the medicine because they didn’t have easy access to it.  Hala asked the doctor what medicine he was going to use…

What medicine was it?  HERS!  She called in to have the medicine (her medicine) brought in, it arrived within 24 hours & was used to treat her father.

Boom.  I don’t know how daughters can compete.  Right?

Ok, I’m not even done!!  So these 2 medicines, on the market, saving people every day for 10 years each had to make some cash money, lez be honest.  But what did she do with it?

She fucking donated it back to the research.  ALL OF IT.

Shut it down.

Hala is a tiny little lady, barely sharing these details I should add.  I was prying for more information because I was wrapped up in the inspiration.  It was like a feel good movie you couldn’t walk away from.  My eyes were glued.  I got in there and asked as many questions as I could in the time we had.  I wanted to take freaking notes, capture the moment.  Hala currently lives in Qatar; and don’t think I haven’t already tried figuring out how I can visit.  The seeds have already been planted.  I’m her #1 fan.

She’s still casually being – A SCIENTIST.  Trying to find another cure, doing what scientists do.

Here’s the other thing friends, this is what life I love hearing about.  This story, these people, are things I love hearing and want around me all the time.  Off the heels of such a glamorous wedding, this brought me back to Earth & made me feel validated.   I’m learning more & more everyday what makes me feel good.  And not fighting it.  Which is harder than you think.  This story made me feel good, her heart made me feel good. I wanted more.

I had to share, because maybe it can help you feel good & validated. Your big ol hearts, the kindness, is special & a quality to focus on & feed w each other.  There’s a lot of pressure, expectations, goals, problems, road bumps, & anger that we see every day – but it’s important to feed the other end of that stick.

I hope this story told through my writing is even half as good as it was hearing it in person.  Wafiq & I were teary eyed, with happiness.   That’s what I want to give YOU!  And feed you, and inspire you with.  Keep your heart happy, feed good, be kind & be thoughtful.



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