October 24, 2019

The ONE Fall Fashion Accessory Everyone Needs

This is the year of the puffer vest!  Because a vest doesn’t have arms, you think – what’s the point?  Allow me to give you all the reasons this is your year with the puffer vest (in a few colors).

If you’re educated, a vest doesn’t make sense.  Where are the arms?  How could it possibly keep you warm, what’s the point?  It seems very… frat boy in college.  Or, out of college but the vibe never left the bloodstream.  And that might still be the case with other vests, but not this one.
The Old Navy Frost-Free Puffer Vest in Light Pink, Antique Coral, Wine Purple? In the Navy, Seasalt, Gray? Or Black?!  Is everything you need for Fall, Winter & Spring!  Hell, maybe even summer depending on your climate, lez be honessst.  Oh!  And I can’t say all vests are created equal – the OLD NAVY Frost Free Puffer Vest is the specific one you need:  HERE
I bought a few for myself & Wafiq last season & when I unpacked our winter clothes this year I got a tear in my eye at their memory.  So much warmth & comfort wrapped into one piece of clothing.  We both love them & it’s time for you to love them as well.  I want what’s best for you.
Let’s get serious.
Favorite Fall Vest

5 Reasons to Get An Old Navy Puffer Vest

1.  The Vest Keeps You Warm AF, excuse me, it’s HOT in Hurrr:

This vest is not for the weak, it keeps you HOT.  In Texas, I can’t play around with this vest or I’ll overheat.  It doesn’t need arms to keep you warm, the body portion does more than enough to insulate, especially in the fall.  Don’t discount this layer of added warmth as just a fashion accessory or you’ll end up w sweat beads down your ting tangs.

2.  Comfortable As A Cloud:

Puffer is in the name of the vest & that’s what it is – a puffy cloud full of comfort.  A well-insulated vest like this one actually makes complete sense because it’s more comfortable.  No bulky jacket you’re needing to take off whenever you hop in the car.  You can move & mobility is magical.  The lining is a cozy cotton,  it’s super soft & squishy so you’ll melt right in.

3. Affordable:

Jackets are obnoxiously expensive, it’s really offensive to people who live in cold climates & feel they have no choice but to spend lots of monies on the big, warm jackets.  That’s right cold climates, I’m taking a stand for you!  These vests can often be found for $15 depending on the current sale at Old Navy, but their full price is still only $39.  That’s why you can get a few colors & alternate as necessary to keep things interesting.

4. Sexy Vest Vibes:

Sexy miiiiiight be the wrong descriptive word here.  Maybe beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, cozy, styled, put together?  The vest looks good, ok?  It looks good.  It looks more expensive than it is.  Great quality, so it’s a true beauty in the finest form for cooler seasons.  I love that it zips all the way up to keep your neck warm too!

5. Versatile:

Like I said earlier, you can wear this dime piece through almost all the seasons.  You can layer it over chunky sweaters with jeans & a boot. You can stack it on your workout clothes for an added layer while you warm up.  You can throw it over a dress in the warmer fall & spring months.  The vests can take you through any outfit or style!  Trust.
Favorite Fall Vest
Favorite Fall Vest Black
You can get a vest online (HERE) or in-store.
As you can imagine, I’ll be wearing {all of} mine throughout the coming seasons so you’ll be seeing them A LOT over here.   I believe they usually sell at Old Navy through January, but the colors & price range tends to fluctuate.  Get a color now, and get a color later.  I would start with black, it’s the easiest to style & the one I wear most often.  Black is so classic, sexy & cool – even if it’s just a vest.
Have a great Halloween weekend everyone.
be thoughtful

Shop For Layers:

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