January 5, 2018

Reasons You Don’t Have To Set 2018 Goals

Did You Know?  “According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February” (via)

2018 is on it’s way!  Lets set goals, shall we?!


No we shall not.

Goal Setting

I thought a lot about this.  The big, long-term beautiful (somewhat vague) end goal is always in sight, but all the others change.  I love it!  I welcome change, even though I fear it.  As ideas & goals shift throughout the year, you create new agendas & updated accordingly.  Which is why, now that it’s 2018 & resolutions are all the talk, you shouldn’t feel pressure to make them.

I’ve learned one of the worst things you can do to yourself is lose your own trust.  Disappoint yourself.  I know any goal I set on Jan 1, 2018 will end up changing, therefore I’ll end up disappointing myself & losing my trust.  Which is a big no-no.  So, fuck the 2018 goals.

I was just reading my old post: 5 things to get done, rather than set goals – I found it super useful for myself even today!  (I can’t believe I wrote it…)

Goal Setting

Goal Setting

If I absolutely had to make a goal for myself in 2018, I would say “self love”.  Give myself a friggen break.  Take pressure off!  Be proud of myself no matter what.  It’s day 5 of 2018 & I’ve already eaten an entire Strawberry Shortcake from Whole Foods by myself, have done 3 days of Yoga but no strenuous fat burning workouts, haven’t gotten dressed or worn makeup, and HAVE slept 15 hours a night – all since the start of the year. But I feel sick, so I’m allowing myself time.

Seeing the overflow of posts with people back in the gym, getting after their new diets, focused on work & making money could easily make someone like me, feel like shit.  And it has in the past.  If I’m not on top of LIFE by Jan 1, I’m a big fucking loser.  But my reality is that I do workout pretty regularly, eat right, work hard.  AND I check in on those things often, not necessarily on January 1st.  So if my Jan 1 – Jan 5 is a little blah, I should give myself a break!

And so should you.  If you want to set 2018 goals or resolutions, go ahead, but be gentle & realistic.

I make daily lists – things to get done that day that will make tomorrow better.  And I’m thinking.  Changing & updating.  But I’m always moving & most importantly, doing my best.

If you want to start eating right, working out, going after your dream job, being kind, practicing guitar, building your relationship – start today! It’s okay that it’s Jan 5.  If you need to adjust, adjust anytime.  If you need to add, add anytime.  I try to follow what feels right.  When I’m feeling stale or in a slump, I know it’s time to look at what I’m doing & what I’m working towards, then adjust.  That happens organically if you let it.  In the hype of the holidays, with the pressure of the New Year ahead, setting goals & resolutions isn’t necessarily the right time.

I do think vision boards are awesome because they can be just that, visions.  Ideas, creations, images of what you see in your future, rather than S.M.A.R.T. goals.  (Oh gawd, remember those fucking SMART goal spreadsheets?? I think I made Wafiq do them last year, lol!) I’ve noticed, especially in the last few years, having a vision, although somewhat vague by S.M.A.R.T. standards, has been the best version of goals for myself.

Goal Setting

Goal Setting

Goal Setting

So, in a time full of goals, resolutions, and getting after it – I’m here to remind you to love yourself as you are today.  Because as long as you’re kind, thoughtful & doing your best, you’re perfect.


** 5 things to get done TODAY, rather than set goals: HERE

Cool Shit I Found:

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