March 12, 2019

Dating: How To Approach A Girl

Inspired by the man who wouldn’t get out of my way in the mall last week, I’ve compiled a list of ways you absolutely should NOT try to pick up someone you’re attracted to.  Hoping to bring women together with these examples & a heads up for any guy reading, this list should come in handy for all!


March 7, 2019

Your Perfect Austin TX Bucket List!

There are some things you have to do when you come to Austin or people won’t believe you actually visited.  Think: BBQ, South Congress & 6th Street.  There’s absolutely no lack of entertainment, food, and adventure in Austin, Texas – it’s just a matter of whether or not you can get it all done. My thoughts are with you as you try to achieve that goal.If you knock everything off this list, you will have fulfilled your Austin experience & left nothing behind!


March 5, 2019

One Year Later, Anaphylactic Shock

We’re in March.  And March is a big deal for me.  It used to be because March is the month SXSW festival hits Austin, TX and the city turns into a jungle gym of adventure. People flood the city, coming from everywhere, and little Austin Texas doesn’t seem so little anymore.

Daily Outfits

February 19, 2019

My 10 Skin Rules for Hormonal Acne

Well well well, we’re talking my least favorite subject: SKIN.  To my surprise, one of the most popular post’s on MissBassmaster is the one I wrote about Hormonal Acne & Coconut Oil. 

1 comment

February 14, 2019

My Word Of The Year, Love

I LOVE YOU.  I mean it.  I’ve been quietly mentioning all month how my word of the year is: LOVE.  I’m not sure if having a word of the year is a thing or not, but it felt right.  2019, living with the word LOVE at the front of my mind?


February 12, 2019

The Reason You Are So Unique

Hey you!  Did you know? Our bodies are freakishly DIFFERENT.  There’s no better time to bring up homo sapien’s than the launch of my new website, right?? For any new visitors, and previous ones, this will be an excellent reminder & something to keep in your back pocket when reading any post I write.