January 10, 2015

BOOM – It’s my birthday | 2015

It’s that time again.. My Birthday.

Comes out of nowhere. You think the holidays are done, you can finally put your feet up, tuck your wallets back in your pockets, and relax… Then, as soon as you get comfortable, BOOM it’s my birthday. Hi.

{I think even I almost forget it every year}

Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes! That’s always the most special part for me because just remembering it is a task indeed.


Now, let’s talk about last year’s birthday because it was on my mind the whole of January 7th, 2015:

I remember thinking how FREAKING SCARED I was!! Could you guys tell?! Gosh, I was maximum terrified, anxious and a mess really. I think considering the circumstances I made the best of my special day but goodness gracious it was a struggle.

My mind knew this year is going to be <<The HARDEST year of my life>>. I knew it and honestly, in a way was dreading the days to come… I had 365 days to go!?

I was in Dubai long enough to know that I was in for some serious pain. Injury. The whole way through.  Makes my tummy swirl just remembering the feeling of knowing that. Almost every day for the first 6+ months was hard, but looking back I’m realizing it’s the daily little things that got me through it in an alright condition and that makes my heart flutter.

BUT, now I have to laugh a little. The Katie one year ago, her attitude and her SCARED, anxious, try to act brave self, is so much different than the way Katie felt this birthday. I made it! That year is gone sister! The new year is here, and I’m happy to see it! Also, happy this year’s birthday has so much more to look forward to 🙂

I KNOW this year is going to be different. And in this case, different is fabulous darling.

I’m ready to fly to the moon, get a boob job, go into retirement, get married and divorced more than once, have babies, and go brunette, all this year! << Not really to any of that. Let’s be serious.


Last year was time to step up to the plate and be brave, this year is the year for some positive change with a clear and grateful mind! WOOHOO!

**I feel like doing a little twirk dance right hurrrr for ya’alll! YYEEEEEEEEE HAAAA**

Also, this blog is finally paying off! You can read how I was feeling (or trying to feel) a year ago right here. Imagine, I can document January 7th’s for the rest of my life.

Lucky me, I can’t wait <3



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