
June 6, 2019

8 Vegetables You’ll Want to Get Familiar With

Are you sick of me discussing food & vegetables?  Because I’m not done yet, & if you stay on board I think your tummy will be happy to hear from me.  I’ve discovered the worldwide variety of vegetables.  & I’m sharing.

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January 22, 2019

CLOSE UP: Dairy-Free Milk

If you’ve ever thought, considered, or purchased dairy-free milk this will be a good post for you!  I consider this information a bit of an emergency situation.  Even if you’re not dairy-free, this info will help when you’re buying other ingredients on your shopping list. 


August 17, 2017

5 {New} Jazzy Ingredients For Your Kitchen!

I’m back w/a few other kitchen favorites!  I’m all about trying new flavors, doing new things, and not getting too comfortable with -anything!  Including food.  I keep these 5 ingredients in my kitchen most of the time, and think it’s worth a try if you haven’t.  Sometimes, when they’re sitting there starring at you, you’re more likely to make use of them. I might not cook w/these guys every day, but they’re common enough ingredients to keep around

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February 28, 2017

Say Goodbye to Ready-to-Bake Cookies & Hello to Your Homemade Version

I decided to hunt down a perfect cookie dough that I could easily make myself.  And that would NOT go flat. Taste like ready-to-bake but be homemade.I would have my own ready to bake cookies with ingredients that I chose myself.  No more mysterious maltodextrin, cellulose gum, xanthan, high fructose corn syrup, or other bullshit.  ONLY ingredients of my choosing.