
June 5, 2018

The Story of My Meeting W A Cancer Curing Scientist

Eeeek! I have a story for you!  I debated shoving this story into my Washington DC post but thought it was too special for that.  Things like this story stand out to me, give me good feelings inside & inspire me.  They pull my mind away from nonsense.  SO, I wanted to give it it’s own space.

Wafiq & I debated going to Washington DC while we were visiting Charlottesville VA because we knew it would have to be a super short trip, & wondered if the drive was worth it.  Once Wafiq’s family found out the option of D.C. was on the table, they pushed for it; one of his Aunt’s was also in D.C. at the time – we thought it was a good idea to all meet up.  (This is life when you don’t live near family, you have to make it work wherever/whenever!)

We met up with his aunt, Hala the first day, right after checking into the hotel.  Now let me tell you my condition, I just came from Charlottesville where I was in an extravagant wedding that truly exhausted me.  Not just the day, but the extravagance of everything too.   You can’t help but be a part of such a huge experience & eventually start comparing yourself… right?  I also had allergy frustrations come up, new people, grand things & overall… A LOT.

We met Hala at the tiny cafe inside the entrance of Nordstrom’s & found a little table outside, in the mall.  Wafiq’s aunt is TINY.  (PS.  there’s nothing like meeting Arab girls that makes you realize you could shed a few LBS.  lol!  They’re so small!)  Back on track, she was the tiniest little lady.

Also, let me tell you.  Meeting any “mom figure” Arab woman is always a gamble in my mind.  Sometimes they’re extremely kind to me, I’ve had unkind experiences as well.  Some are traditional, some judgemental, some curious, some opinionated – so I was hesitant to see how our meeting was going to go.

We started talking, she asked about my allergies right away, making sure I was ok.  After that quick conversation Wafiq threw in how smart his Aunt was, almost teasing – but if you know me, I had to get in there.  Smart people? I love.  Doesn’t matter what kind of smart.  I’m into it.

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February 6, 2017

Dating a Muslim Immigrant, During the Muslim Ban

Let’s start with figuring out exactly who & where Muslims are.  Muslims come in all shapes, forms, colors, backgrounds, beliefs, families, countries, parents, and lifestyles.