August 28, 2018

Thoughtful Act Challenge: Driving!

Did You Know?  The number of countries, territories and dependencies around the world that drive on the left or right side of the road: 165 drive on right, 75 drive on the left  (via)

I’m all about perspective & being thoughtful today!  If there’s anything I’ve learned over the past 10 years it’s that all of us humans have our own issues going on.  As much as someone might want to appear perfect, we’re not.  That includes the person next to you, promise.  GO ahead, look at the person next to you, smile, and know, they have issues too.  Remembering no one is perfect is the trick.  I gots a yummy idea for you today – GET READY!

To make this crystal clear, no one is too good for a new thoughtful idea.  You’re not an expert at being thoughtful & you’re not the kindest-person-in-the-world all the time, everyday.  If you think that, you’re part of the problem.

If you’re doing this thoughtful thing right, it should be constant work.

In order to help you actively be thoughtful every single day, I’m here to challenge you, with one little task I know we all do everyday:  Driving.

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If you read this post {here}, you know when I came back from Dubai I was having a tough time driving.  This was pre-panic attack days so I didn’t understand what I was going through was actually anxiety.

Without backtracking (cuz go read that post), I’ll start in the present.  Driving is something most of us have to do everyday.  I hope not the 9am-5pm traffic, but that’s reality for a lot of us.  One very simple way to start being more thoughtful is slowing down in traffic  – the ultimate test of patience.

Now, this doesn’t mean you smile & wave at the asshole flying through the red lights (he needs to read this), but it does mean you can slow down if someone else is driving a little slower than you.  If they’re taking their time to change lanes.  Even if they’re driving crazy.  Slow down & think about THEM.  I know, I’m talking crazieee.

THINK:: Maybe they sit in a job they hate all fucking day long.  They’re amped up with energy waiting to be released & just want to get the fuck home where they can relax & be themselves.  If they scream at you, or tailgate you, or give you the finger – you don’t have to take it personally & retaliate. Understand where they may be coming from & be happy that’s not you.  If it is you, that’s what we’re here to work on.

I used to get screamed at all the fucking time.  I remember one guy was SO mad at me.  He had ultra huge biceps & lots of veins.  We were in 5pm traffic & I hesitated when I was turning because I didn’t know if I was in a turn lane.  He cruised his truck up to my car & threw his middle finger OUT the window.  Then, I saw him in my rear view mirror trying to stick his head out the window to scream.  I remember being genuinely confused about this guy.  Something as small as a slow lane change made him hit a 10 with anger?  That doesn’t sound right to me.  Does something that small make you angry?  If it does, I would work on that. He was my age.  He might actually talk to me at a bar.  This same guy!  But right now he’s literally moving his head out of the window hoping his angry voice will carry to me better that way.  “rawwwr!”   And for what, what’s that accomplishing?  (Side note, maybe drive w your Tinder dates to make sure they don’t have road rage?)

Let’s talk about the driver that’s going too slow or nervous to lane change.  Is it a crime to go slow when changing lanes?  No.  I always remind myself to have patience with these people because when my anxiety was at a peak, I would stay in the same lane until the road ended.  LOL! You guys, I could NOT change lanes!  I was so scared to make the car next to me angry, or scared I would crash.  {I couldn’t do a lot of things.  Happily no longer a major issue.}

One day Wafiq & I were driving.  Wafiq was so frustrated with this driver that was trying to change lanes because he was slowing down the fast lane.  In a panic voice I told him to stop!  My heart was with the person trying to change lanes; it was dark out & rush hour, everyone was tailgating everyone, the headlights were overwhelming & bright.  Once we slowed down, Wafiq heard my explanation, he immediately felt bad.  Because he understood.  What if that was his dad? Or me?  Or a new driver?

So the thoughtful act that I want you all to start trying, is in your cars.  We all drive everyday.  Be thoughtful of drivers.  Especially at 8am or 5pm.  Those drivers need your patience & thoughtfulness more than anyone else.  Slow down, don’t worry, think, be patient, and have perspective.  You’ll all get home at the same time & you’ll probably feel better when you do.

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Driving shouldn’t make you full of anger.  Because we drive everyday.  There’s going to be the good, bad, and ugly drivers forever.  Or until artificial intelligence takes over.   Until then, nothing is going to change.  Let’s try to think about others on the road & see if it makes a difference in how we enjoy our own driving experiences.  Trust me, this isn’t as easy as it sounds even though you might be thinking it is.  I’m challenging YOU! FOCUS when you drive on how thoughtful you’re being & let me know how it goes. Eeeeek I can’t wait to wake up your driving senses…

If you’re already a chill driver, I’ll be sharing another thoughtful action to incorporate soon, don’t feel like you’re off the hook.

When was the last time you slowed down to rethink a situation?  Give me a humble brag!

Have a great week & be thoughtful


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  1. YES! Omg I love this post. I always tell my friends about people having road rage for no reason! Some people just don’t get it! I’m going to share this with a few them! Lol!