
February 16, 2017

Why Non Yoga People Need to Be Doing Yoga

This is not another Yogi post!  I prefer aggressive workouts – fighting, running, sweating, moving, hitting, pushing, jumping.  (Aggression issues?)  I grew up playing soccer & competition runs through me.  I like competing with myself, or Wafiq, whenever possible.  Recently, I decided in order to balance the muscle tightening workouts, I needed to find a way to gain flexibility.


July 29, 2016

Glinda’s Healing Garlic Salsa

Garlic is my best friend.  It has special healing powers & knowing that makes me feel like Glinda the good witch. Like I’ve mentioned, in order to…

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February 17, 2016

Peanut Butter, Ingredients: Peanuts.

Go to the store and look at the ingredients on all the peanut butter jars. Why should there be anything other than peanuts in peanut butter?  The answer is – there shouldn’t be.


February 16, 2014

Non smoking please

Bars crammed full of people smoking in each other’s faces…with low ceilings and no windows.