Neti Pot: Tips, Tricks & Advice

You! With the allergies! Come here really quick & let me introduce you to my little friend: the neti pot.
Let me start by expressing my deepest fear of the internal nose. I learned how to blow my nose in my 20’s! (I don’t blame myself for that, I was cursed with bloody noses often as a child & my fear of anything nasal compounded after each one.)
Even though anything nose related is quickly followed with an “ew!” reaction, stick with me! A few years ago I had no choice but to get familiar with nasal sprays, such as Flonase. I avoided them forever because – something up your nose? EW! However, I needed relief & the allergists wouldn’t let me slide without the nasal sprays any longer. One fear conquered, check! Even after feeling comfortable with a nasal spray, I could never wrap my head around the NETI POT.
I’ve heard pharmacists, friends, yogi’s & acquaintances swear by the Neti Pot as a cure-all to allergies & sickness. I sat & watched a friend do the Neti Pot thinking she must have been prescribed a new drug that numbed all reality because what I witnessed was insanity. While in Dubai, Wafiqs mom was telling me how much a daily nasal rinse helped her this past year after being sick for a few months without relief & highly encouraged me to do something similar. Of course never trying to pressure me, but the suggestion was strong.
About a month ago, my allergies started to flare up really badly. This scares me because now is not the time to be visiting the emergency room or being put on steroids. The doctor asked if I ever tried the Netti Pot & I ran out of excuses. Listen, I’m someone who can rationalize anything with the supporting information. When I heard why & how the Neti Pot works, I had no choice but to give it a try thinking it wouldn’t work anyway. At the very least I could shut people up about it.
Here’s the deal. The Neti Pot is fucking weird, there’s no way around that. You basically do the one thing you’ve spent your entire life trying not to do – put water UP your nose. In technical terms, it works as nasal irrigation.
According to WebMd: “The basic explanation of how the Neti pot works is that it thins mucus and helps flush it out of the nasal passages. A more biological explanation for how the Neti pot works has to do with tiny, hair-like structures called cilia that line the inside of the nasal and sinus cavities. These cilia wave back and forth to push mucus either to the back of the throat where it can be swallowed, or to the nose to be blown out. Saline solution can help increase the speed and improve coordination of the cilia so that they may more effectively remove the allergens and other irritants that cause sinus problems.” (via)
Don’t leave me yet! Doesn’t that description make sense? Like, of course it’ll work, right?
In short – You pour salt water in one nostril while your head is tilted. And miraculously, the water DOES come out the other nostril. And no, it doesn’t even feel like water is being sloshed up your nose after jumping in a pool. You barely feel anything if you’re doing it right. And somehow, doesn’t even seem gross, it turns into a normal part of my morning. BOOM, clean sinuses? I’ll take it. When you’re in weak moments of sickness & allergies you’d do about anything too…
THINK: Allergies, flu, cold, illnesses, sinus issues, headaches
Tips, Tricks & Advice on using the Highly Recommended Neti Pot
+ My first attempts were major failures. I could NOT get the water to flow out the other side of my nose. After sticking to it for a few days, it finally started working as intended. For anyone else having a “flow” issue, keep trying! Blow your nose several times each time you try, continuing to clean out your nose until it’ll eventually be clear enough to work. It’s extremely satisfying once it does, just use patience.
+ MUST use filtered water!! Not tap.
+ This video is helpful: HERE
+ I use slightly warmer than room temperature water
+ You can use a Neti Pot once a day, week or month as preventative maintenance, or up to 3 times a day for allergies & illness.
+ I upgraded to a ceramic Neti Pot without the handle! (Find mine: HERE) I read germs can hide in the handle if they’re not cleaned properly & I hate cleaning so I found a Neti Pot without one. #worthit
+ Good News! You can get super affordable Neti Pots at the pharmacy or on Amazon (here)
+ Most Neti Pots come with the salt solution 🙂
+ Use the Neti Pot at least an hour before bed so you’re upright & let any additional water clear out
I can’t express how much this little freaking, affordable Neti Pot quickly gifted me with relief. Trust me, you won’t be thinking “ew” once you have it mastered, you’ll actually be thinking “why didn’t I do this sooner”. Then send me a thank you email.
Thinking of you & I bet I love you.
Be thoughtful