October 19, 2015

My own apartment, finally.

I don’t think there are words creative enough to describe how relieved I am.

After more than 2 years of living out of a suitcase and other people’s closet doors… I FINALLY managed to nail myself down enough to sign a lease for an apartment of my own.

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I’m fully aware this is a normal life, but a part of normal life I’ve been missing!

The WHOLE time I was in Dubai I had to worry about my living situation. Rent there is f****** insane and you get nothing for the money you can barely squeeze out of your fingertips.

Then, coming back from Dubai, I continued to live out of my suitcase. I decided traveling around even longer was an appropriate choice.

Now – the major P R O to living out of your suitcase: Downsizing.. A LOT. I love not having a ton of possessions tying me down. I have “location commitment issues for sure, and not having too many possessions has been keeping me at ease anywhere I am.

Enabling {spur of the moment} moving.

But I’m realizing having my own place does more for me than having my own place.  The space is my own, with my own thoughts.  I really believe the alone time is EXTREMELY important for individual growth and clarity –> which then shines through in your relationships with other people.

(If I meet someone that has never lived alone or doesn’t like living alone, or WON’T live alone… I have a difficult time accepting and understanding them)

So, that’s that. I don’t know how long I’ll be on this trip, but that’s where I’m at today.

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Side note –> I have no money now.

I spent anything I had remaining on my deposits, rent, connections, insurance, water, trash, this + that + the other thing, in order to get my lease completed and keys in my hand.

(What savings account?)

And let me add, no I haven’t received a check from my new job yet so this is all still lingering money from Dubai. (TMI?) Meaning, I have near ZERO left. (Comforting, I know)

Not an ideal situation but I saw this apartment and my heart jumped. Too excited. Just too excited. I had to have it. A month earlier than I wanted to move, but I had to make it work.

So I did –> but I’m now taking charity. For the next month. I have my mom mailing me some ramen noodles, dog food and books. (just kidding)

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I may be stretching my pocket today – but I feel like one by one my check list is being completed.  And I’m excited. DREAM BOARD coming SOON!

(Then I’ll be planning my next life changing move… Imagine?!)


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