Life Chats: 14 hour travel & being home

Here I am! I couldn’t get started on a topic without first having a little moment of life chats.
I’d like to first admit, I will never understand how people travel + work. I know so many people do it, even Wafiq works quite a bit while we travel, but it seems impossible to me. My focus just isn’t right & anything I try to sit down & do doesn’t come out to the quality I would normally do if I was at home. I once dreamed of a job I could “do from anywhere” but also, that might not work for me.

As you may have noticed – we’re back from DUBAI and I haven’t blogged once since I left a month ago, ha! And since returning, I’ve been glued to The Bachelor so my free time is limited.
What a whirlwind the trip was for me. Holy smokes it’s hard to find my footing here as I get to a starting place.
When I lived in Dubai, I was rather immature & still growing up. As expected, there were things I did & said then that wouldn’t happen today. It’s sweet to see the personal growth I’ve had since then. Although I wrote & documented more than a lot of people would’ve, I still wish I went even further. Writing more, taking more photos & capturing the daily routines I once had – because memories truly do fade. (Wafiq actually started a notes section in his phone where he quickly scribbles down memories that he has, because you guys they’re going to disappear!)
I’ve felt pretty uninspired throughout December & January to be honest. A major slump situation was happening. I even thought maybe I was depressed or something because nothing felt interesting. Thinking about it now, I had a lot of emotions rolling through me as I was approaching a month of travel (& a 14-hour plane ride). The good news, this trip has revved my engine again so hopefully, I can hold on to the momentum.
Something new that I tried & thought was worth mentioning, was fasting through the flight. No food while flying! I heard that idea from someone on Instagram & know my body has reacted really well from fasting in previous experiences, so I wanted to try it. You know, airport food costs so much money & there never seems to be a healthy option. But even worse? I stress eat. I always end up snacking to take the edge off – which means so much extra junk food. I decided to skip it altogether! And I have to say, it felt amazing. A healthy meal before I take off & a healthy one as soon as I landed, felt energizing. Obviously, I’m no doctor, I literally tried this because I heard one friend on Instagram say that’s what they do, but if you need to eat – eat!
I like how I quickly skimmed past that 14 hr flight statement. Listen to me, I fucking hate being in the air that long. Want to get anxious with me? It’s the thought that something happens within the 14 hours. What will you do? You’ll die. For example, appendix burst, anaphylaxis, or Coronavirus. Even the flu for gosh sake! 14 hours is just too long to be confined in one small space, then when I found out it was 15 hours back? An extra hour?! It was not a hot moment for me.
Since being back in Austin I’ve been crazy busy trying to catch up on life. Winning over the attention of my dog to guarantee she likes me more than the babysitter she was with the past month is a priority. And so much work. I want 2020 to be a good year with my dog, but also work, so I need to set the stage for that.
There were so many good things about my “vacation”. My family saw Dubai, we spent tons of time with Wafiq’s parents, I could breathe the allergy-free air, we took a break from work, we legally got married in that region of the world – which I’ll get into in my next post…
But there were some challenging things too. I called this trip: “the trip of blindsides”. My anxiety made a rare & unexpected appearance and there were a few major surprises thrown in to keep things spicy.
I want to get into it ALL! I need to figure out how to write, literally, but I’ll do my best. I never regret capturing everything, but I do regret letting memories get lost.
For today, I think this is a great starting point! I’ll be back.
Love u,
be thoughtful
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