October 2, 2017

I Cant Wait For…

Welcome October! “Just before the death of flowers, and before they are buried in snow,
There comes a festival season when nature is all aglow.”

Attention All: We have a new motto in our household.  I’m putting the same test on you & your household as well.  No more “I can’t wait for…”


I’ve never been someone who’s said “I can’t wait for…” or “I can’t wait when…” very often but I caught myself the other night.   I kid you not, Wafiq & I said approx 4 times in a row an “I can’t wait for…” sentence.  “I can’t wait for us to get the new computer screen”, “I can’t wait for the new speaker”,  “I can’t wait for…”.   We sat down on our badass couch in front of our huge ass TV in our treehouse home and started laughing.  WTF.  We have everything we’ve ever wanted right here in front of us.  There were moments we couldn’t wait to have our own space, we couldn’t wait to get through the immigration process (& payments), we couldn’t wait to make money… and here we are with all of those things fully accomplished.

And now we’re acting like we need more?!?

Even when we barely had our own room to sleep in, we rarely said out loud how much we couldn’t wait to have our own place.  I think we both knew if we started to focus on the things we didn’t have, we could end up in a dark, miserable tunnel of misery.  So we rarely talked negatively.

It’s interesting once you start having “things” you start focusing on more things, for some reason.  I think accidentally.  I laughed out loud when I heard myself.  We both did.  And we said, no more! It’s freaking ridiculous what we’re doing.  And instead, we focused on watching the season premiere of Survivor.



Katie And Bernice

So, I challenge you to do the same!  I think there’s a way to set goals & work for successes but I don’t think it’s necessarily going to be better when we get there.  The whole story of our lives is an adventure!  Yoga with Adriene (fucking love her) has helped reiterate that for me too.  Every morning she reminds me to appreciate the process & to appreciate where I am today.  Spot on!  Even in what we believe are shitty moments, there are special memories to pull from them.  It’s easy to look back & cherish them but harder to do that in the moment.  Every struggle offers an opportunity for character building!

Will it be nice when we get our new desktop? Of course! Will it be nice when we vacation in Hawaii?? Totally!  But it’s nice right now, it’s so nice and so perfect.

No more “I can’t for…”  sentences! They’re banned! We’re present & appreciative right now & always 🙂

So go out today & make it great!

Have a great week everyone! & be thoughtful…

Stay At Home Goodies:

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