
February 16, 2017

Why Non Yoga People Need to Be Doing Yoga

This is not another Yogi post!  I prefer aggressive workouts – fighting, running, sweating, moving, hitting, pushing, jumping.  (Aggression issues?)  I grew up playing soccer & competition runs through me.  I like competing with myself, or Wafiq, whenever possible.  Recently, I decided in order to balance the muscle tightening workouts, I needed to find a way to gain flexibility.


February 6, 2017

Dating a Muslim Immigrant, During the Muslim Ban

Let’s start with figuring out exactly who & where Muslims are.  Muslims come in all shapes, forms, colors, backgrounds, beliefs, families, countries, parents, and lifestyles.


January 13, 2017

5 Things to Do This New Year RATHER Than Goal Setting & Ridged Resolutions

Did You Know? “In Colombia and Peru, some believe in throwing three potatoes underneath the bed on New Years Eve: one unpeeled, one half peeled, and one completely peeled (“pelado”). Without…


December 24, 2016

5 Tips for Listening

HO HO HO! I’ve been wanting to write about listening for SO. LONG.  But I wasn’t sure how to get across what I wanted to say.  Then…


October 20, 2016

5 Ways To Make A Brave Decision

Did you know? “The top fear Americans reported in the 2015 survey is the corruption of government officials. In fact, 58 percent of respondents reported being “afraid” or…

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June 2, 2016

May Monthly Favorites | MissBassmaster

My favorite blog posts to read are the Monthly Favorites.   They take out all the beating around the bush of products that are sort of good or kind of suck.

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June 1, 2016

What To Wear – In Dubai

I’ve previously written about women in the Middle East, and what it was like to live there as a woman… But this post is more for your vacation plans.  No need to get down in the nitty gritty of women’s clothing in the Middle East when you’re there on vacation.


May 19, 2016

Why ALL Single Ladies Need A Dog

When I was considering getting a dog there were a lot of people trying to talk me out of it.  For months and months I was on the fence. People kept convincing me that adopting a dog was a terrible idea, with a list of reasons why.


May 8, 2016

Hot Bitches Camp. And I’m Here to Help.

I had a college roommate that had no fear – everyone loooooved her, she was down to participate in everything… and of course was good at it all –> Golf, sky diving, guys, girls, photography, networking, math, shopping, tennis, swimming.  And had perfect hair. You know the type.

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April 14, 2016

All The Reasons You NEED Jazz !

I started listening to Jazz a couple months ago when I first arrived in Los Angeles. I stayed at a guest house and the beautiful woman that cleaned before our arrival left the radio set to jazz.   (Shout out KJazz 88.1)

I assumed I would eventually change the station… but hours passed, days passed, weeks passed and I had that damn radio playing Jazz day in and day out.  From morning till night. Jazz. Jazz. Jazz.


April 1, 2016

Bug bite? I’m here to help.

Maybe this trick is old news for some people, but if that’s the case, then where the hell have I been?!


February 9, 2016

5 Things You’re Grateful For Right Now

If you’re with a friend or dog or partner, you can each do 5 things you’re grateful for and you’ll notice the energy will quickly lift.

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