
April 17, 2017

The Best Sports Bra to Hold In Your Ting Tangs

If you’ve ever struggled finding a good sports bra that isn’t $1,000 then you’ll understand this post.  I played sports a lot when I was younger and have always enjoyed running or working out so a sports bra is an essential part of my closet.  I don’t care if they’re cute,  I care that they hold my ting tangs still.  I HATED the times I’d be wearing a bra that wasn’t strong enough & my ting tang’s bounced around for everyone to see during my runs.  UGH, also so unflattering. Oooga Oooga Oooga. Just no. No. No.


April 14, 2017

“Be Like Garth Brooks” – 5 Tips For Being Positive

I’m not a super fan of country music or even Garth Brooks music so don’t be afraid I’m going to lay out all my country obsessions for you.   A few weeks ago I was able to see Garth Brooks in concert during SXSW. I’m not familiar with his music, I realized at all, but that didn’t matter.

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April 13, 2017

5 Uncommon Ingredients For Your Kitchen: Middle East Inspired

I used to be afraid of recipes that had ingredients I didn’t use or have in my kitchen.  I thought it took too much energy to find them & the unknown price & flavors… But over time & the use of bravery, I’ve stalked my kitchen with all kinds of interesting ingredients & end up using them more than I expected.

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April 12, 2017

The Trouble With Money…

I’ve always dreamt of people with indispensable money – what it looks & feels like to go anywhere & do anything without a worry in the world.  Eat wherever you want, drive whatever you want, pay for your family/friends vacations, payback the people you once had to borrow from, go to any doctor you want, get a nice face mask.

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April 10, 2017

Three Wish Worthy Easter Dresses

I made the mistake of trying to go shopping recently & immediately regretted my decision to skip shopping online… Ughhhh… is anyone else online only?!  It’s so much easier than parking at a mall, going into a crowded store, digging around for your size, (and most recently) dealing with the hottest dressing room of all time!

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April 7, 2017

Recent Readings On MissBassmaster

Books + Podcasts + Music are the three things I need.  I use them to help my mind take a break.   I want to disclose, I’m all over the place when it comes to reading.  I go through phases where I want to read about drug addiction, then Jesus Christ, then marketing, and sometimes a good fiction of a girl trapped in the woods.  The variety keeps me from getting bored & I highly recommend opening your genre preferences.

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April 4, 2017

College. Don’t Do It!

As I was growing up, teachers, parents, grandparents, cousins, graduates, & friends all stressed the importance of having good grades to get into a good college after high school.  That was the only option for anyone who wanted to be successful.   That’s why we worked so hard in high school, so we can go to college.  Because who doesn’t know what they want to do with their entire life at 18 years old?  And if you didn’t know, you can take classes until you find out.  “If you don’t go now, you’ll never go back!”


March 28, 2017

My Easy, Everyday Makeup (free) Routine & 5 Reasons You Should Get On Board

I used to think makeup was important at work because it helps you look awake, alert, professional, clean, put together, on time – but I’ve had a shift in mentality recently.  I don’t want to put shit on my face when my computer screen & a few people are the only ones reaping the benefits.  Most of the time I don’t even look in a mirror so I’m not even able to marvel at my artwork.


March 22, 2017

15 Things To Get Done This Spring

I hate getting comfortable.  I’m 50% a lover of routine & my home BUT I’m 50% ready to pack a suitcase & start a new life-altering adventure next Tuesday.  Too much comfort gives me anxiety. That’s why, with the change of seasons, I try to get my shit together.  Mix in a couple planned trips, organize my memories, and throw things out!

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March 10, 2017

Funny & Light Podcasts for Ladies

I first forced myself into listening to a podcast when I was in the middle of a long, boring day at work and my anxiety started kicking.  I was looking for something to distract my mind & I opened the podcast app on my phone.  I landed on a random, gossipy, sans substance podcast… exactly what I needed.  Stress free people talking about Brad Pit, the real housewives and sex noises. SOLD.

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March 2, 2017

3 Sassy, Affordable Online Stores & A Few Tips for Shopping Online

I feel like I’m giving away my biggest secret here… You know I’m obsessed with online shopping, specifically Amazon.  I literally buy everything off Amazon, I’m currently waiting for Banana Nut Cliff Bars.  When I have conversations with other Amazon addicts I get hot & heavy.  Really spikes my heart beat.


February 25, 2017

Understanding An Asshole & How To Deal w/Them

Did You Know? In 1962, there was an outbreak of contagious laughter in Tanganyika, Tanzania. It began as an isolated fit of laughter among a group of…

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