March 4, 2014

My Sweet Sweetness Bernice

Look at that face!


I told myself before I moved out of the United States that I wouldn’t blog about my dog, Bernice, until I could write that she was with me. I would put a photo of us happy and together.  Unfortunately, being reunited with my little girl didn’t come as quickly as I was expecting, and enough people started asking me where she was that I felt I could no longer ignore the inevitable update post.

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I want to start by saying Bernice is my daughter.  I don’t know what it’s like to have a human child, but Bernice is the closest thing I can imagine. I didn’t have any family in Austin, and I lived alone. Bernice was my one super loving constant. Friends, boyfriends, jobs, people, acquaintances, money, apartments, everything always changed. But no matter where I went, who I was with or what I was feeling, I had my goofy girl Bernice.


People used to tell me that getting a dog would be more of a burden, being single and always busy, a dog would be too big of a responsibility. But it was the opposite, and having responsibility is a good thing. I would choose not to do anything I couldn’t bring my Bernice to. When I had to work, she got to play at a babysitters house. By far the best decision I ever made in my life so far was getting Bernice. So as you can imagine, leaving her was a hard thing to do…

BUT I told myself, people have to leave their children all the time.  It can’t be easy for them, but they do it… So I convinced myself Bernice would be okay without me for a little bit. As much of an adventure for me as it would be for her. And I was right, this little dog is so happy with my parents.  I skype and get videos sent to me of what she’s doing… I’m sad, but she’s in happy land. She has 2 other dogs to harass at all times and she gets to play in the snow with a nice big yard every day. Snow being her new found toy. (And Minnesota doesn’t appear to be getting rid of it anytime soon?!)

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Always hungry. Like mother like daughter ;)
Always hungry. Like mother like daughter 😉

So why hasn’t she come to Dubai yet?  I would bring her tomorrow if it was up to me. I wouldn’t wait. But I’m trying to decide what’s best for her. I want her to travel as little as possible, so I want to make sure I’ll be in Dubai long enough to make her travel worth it. Which for me means, I need to find a job I can picture myself in for a while… Then I need to get a place to stay I can see my sweet Bernice comfortable in, after that, I’ll bring her. It could be a month, it could be the end of the year. I have to think about what’s best for this little creature and go from there.


But don’t anyone worry. We’ll be reunited eventually.. And I’ll annoyingly ask to bring her everywhere I go….  Attend dog parks far too often… And baby my Bernice embarrassingly in front of people again in the future. And I can’t wait for the day I can tell you about it 🙂







Me and Bernice_02162012_

PS. My parents probably hate that they are long term babysitters, but what would we do without them!?!

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  1. BERNICE is such a Ham!
    My dad died of happiness when he saw that pick of her sitting close to the wine glass. He said all she was missing was a Cigar! :D. I agree.
    PLEASE update a blog on your life. I’m dying to know.