June 18, 2019

5 Ways to Fall Asleep, Without TV

Tv, phones, & electronics at bedtime has become normal.  TV’s are in every room of the house (which I have almost always personally required as a way to avoid silence), but that’s no longer acceptable.  Especially when it comes to sleep.

I don’t know if this info is going to be helpful to anyone else.  I may have created a horrible habit for myself, using the TV to help my anxiety before bed, but I had to share in case I’m not alone!   Listen, some people have alcohol.  Some people have food.  Some people use their phones.  Some people have cigarettes.  I had the television to lean on in a time of anxiousness, & boy did it do it’s job.  So well, that it’s hard to separate from now.  But the more I learned about proper sleep & how important it is, the more I realized I needed to cut my ties with the TV at night.

(I felt emotional about it.)

And before you click away thinking you don’t have anxiety before bed, I’m talking about the 2,532,566 thoughts you have as soon as the lights go out.  Did I set my alarm?  What if I miss it?  I need to get more dog food?  Is it going to rain tomorrow?  What should I wear?  And what are we going to do this weekend?  Are aliens coming soon?  Will global warming effect my generation? Should I pray?  Tv was always the BEST mental distraction.

“Using TVs, tablets, smartphones, laptops, or other electronic devices before bed delays your body’s internal clock (a.k.a., your circadian rhythm), suppresses the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and makes it more difficult to fall asleep… Besides increasing your alertness at a time when you should be getting sleepy, which in turn delays your bedtime, using these devices before turning in delays the onset of REM sleep, reduces the total amount of REM sleep, and compromises alertness the next morning. Over time, these effects can add up to a significant, chronic deficiency in sleep.” (via The Sleep Foundation)

I wrote 5 ways that helped me get away from the TV but it’s actually trial & error.  Some nights one tip worked & other nights I needed something else.  Use your own recipe.  If you need anything other than a dark room to fall asleep at night (alcohol, food, phone, ect.)  I suggest giving these a try!



5 Ways to Fall Asleep, Without TV

1. Use the Calm App (HERE):

I’ve mentioned the Calm App before.  I use it on airplanes when there’s turbulence, the “breathing bubble” feature works almost like Xanax for me.  BUT, I also use the Calm app for sleep assistance.  The Calm App offers guided sleep meditations, sleep stories, & sleep music.  The key is finding what works for you.  Don’t ask me why, but the Sleep Stories used to trigger my anxiety?  I had to use the sleep music instead.  Now, I’m back into the sleep story, what can I say!

2. Read Until Your Eyes Shut:

Another way to easily fall asleep without the TV is by reading until your eyes are SHUT.  This works for me on days that I’m not tired, but I’m trying to go to bed anyway.  Sometimes this means I’ll be reading for 2 hours, but I don’t put the book down until my eyes are practically closed & REM has initiated.

3. Use the 5 Senses Exercise:

My therapist gave me this strategy to help w racing thoughts, but I’ve noticed it also helps when I’m trying to fall asleep OR when I wake up in the middle of the night.  You know that quote, your brain thinks about nothing during the day but about every crevice of earth’s creations at night?  This strategy is for those people.  In your head, list 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell & 1 thing you can taste.  This strategy does wonders if your mind starts wandering in the dark of the night.

4. Go to Bed When You’re Tired:

If possible, only go into bed when you’re actually very sleepy.  That might not follow your “bedtime”, but I find it more important to fall asleep without the TV or electronics than to make a certain bedtime.   If you wait until you’re actually super sleepy, you’ll be able to knock out before your thoughts creep in by the time you actually crawl into bed.

5. Exercise During the Day:

Listen to me, complete exhaustion is the absolute BEST way to get to sleep.  If I exercise in any way during the day, I know getting to sleep will be easier for me.  I believe our human bodies are created to move, they don’t want to feel like a blob & tired.  So if you’re skipping movement, a way for your body to release the energy inside, it’s going to be harder to pass out at night because your body isn’t ready.  Exercise doesn’t always work, if you’re sick or hurt, but if possible even a walk helps.

I hope this list helps you get to bed in a pitch black room!  When my regular primary care physician, therapist, acupuncture doc & health coach all looked at me in shock when I told them I have the TV on before bed… I knew I had to make a change.  Before you judge me, that includes you phone users too, scrolling through Instagram is the same thing as watching tv mmmkay.

That’s all I have for you now!  But one more thing I wanted to make mention of – I see a lot of movies in the theater!  (That’s what happens when you don’t drink often or enjoy restaurants.)  I’m going to start “checking in” on Facebook when I see a movie to let you know if I like it or not.  Who doesn’t need a good movie recommendation every once & awhile?  You can find my Facebook page (HERE).

Alright. have a great week everyone!  Talk to you soon.

Love you byeeeeeee

be thoughtful


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