
August 23, 2018

Your Perfect Tote For Everything, Everyday

If you’re not bringing a notebook, water bottle, gym clothes, sweatshirt, pens, lip gloss, epi pen, dog treats, crispy chickpeas, dinner, & computer in your purse everyday… are you even working?   I hate obnoxious large totes, but I need them.  Here’s my inventory:  1 expensive tote that I use when I want to be fancy & a few cheap + affordable totes that I can easily change up or throw out whenever I want.


November 30, 2017

Always Do Your Best (and that’s enough)

Remember when you were little and getting ready for soccer games, a school play, choir/band performance and your teacher or parents would tell you “Just do your best”?  Maybe you heard that, maybe you were already the best…

I wish we still had an adult following us around, reminding us to do our best.  I recently had a boss that filled a position where he was in way over his head.  Drowning in the position because he likely over promised what skills he actually had.  I watched him drown.  I tried my best to help him but quickly noticed he wasn’t trying his best.  He didn’t fulfill the position requirements and instead of digging his heels in and trying to do his best to figure it out, he resisted.  He passed everything he could off to anyone that would take it.  He gave it to his bosses, people under him, people next to him.  He refused to learn.  He trusted his seniority would precedent.

Over the weeks, that turned into months, I started wondering why he wouldn’t try.  What happened to trying to do your best?  Come in to work every day and do the very best YOU can do.  If it’s a mess or not everything gets done, at least you tried.  I don’t understand people who don’t try to do their best.  Why wouldn’t you?  With my boss, whatever his issue with the position was, I still think he should’ve tried to do his best at it, every single day until he’s either learned the position requirements or found something else.

If you stop doing your best, how boring? What are you learning? What are you getting better at?  In conversations, try to do your best at listening.  At workouts, try to be your best athlete.  Preparing for the week, try to do your best each Sunday.  I mean shiiiii, if you’re not trying at anything anymore you need to get a hobby you enjoy. If you’re an expert at everything, you have the wrong mindset. Find things to work hard at & be passionate about.  I hated my job once, and let me tell you – I did my very best at finding something better. At going to work every single day knowing I was trying for something better, so I felt comfortable working hard while I was there.

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March 28, 2017

My Easy, Everyday Makeup (free) Routine & 5 Reasons You Should Get On Board

I used to think makeup was important at work because it helps you look awake, alert, professional, clean, put together, on time – but I’ve had a shift in mentality recently.  I don’t want to put shit on my face when my computer screen & a few people are the only ones reaping the benefits.  Most of the time I don’t even look in a mirror so I’m not even able to marvel at my artwork.


June 4, 2016

Catching Up – Why I Don’t Want Wafiq To Get A Job

What worries me about him starting a job is drowning in routine, which has always been my biggest fear.   I’m already in it,  and coming home to someone who isn’t – has been giving me l i f e .


October 19, 2015

My own apartment, finally.

I don’t think there are words creative enough to describe how relieved I am.


October 9, 2015

I finally got a job!

I applied to every single job posting I could find. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.


March 25, 2014

First day at a new job kind of story…

BUT I ran out. I literally grabbed my purse and ran out of the office.


March 24, 2014

It’s about time. Work.

At one point, I had 5 interviews scheduled the same day…  I felt like a robot. Same questions over and over and over. Same answers over and over.