
August 16, 2018

Look Like A Hairstylist PRO

It’s time to highlight the 99c product you should all have in your bathroom drawers – the clear, plastic hair tie!  I have LONG, THICK blonde hair & a lot of it.  The reason I don’t have short hair?  My hair grows rapidly & it’s too high maintenance to constantly cut.  I also have a huge colic right on top of my forehead, I’d have to make EFFORT w my morning hairstyles if my hair was short.  & who enjoys making effort?


August 23, 2017

An Olive Oil Hair Mask Story

I’m doing a throwback post today.  I’ve been editing prior posts & came across this Olive Oil + Hair story.  I died laughing because I vividly remember smelling like a kitchen & trying desperately to convince myself that I could NOT walk around all day/w olive oil in my hair.  Way too much alone time.  But the post made me laugh so I figured I’d repost it today & hopefully enhance your day w/a little humor – Enjoy!

I saved my life.  More like my hair’s life.  I have super long, thick, blonde hair that has been severely neglected since my move to Dubai.

I rarely wash it. I try to go as many days as possible in the most extreme ways not to wash my hair. (The key is finding different ways to wear your hair the second & third/fourth/fifth day without a wash.)

The problem happens on the days I choose to wash my locks.  I’ve been using shampoo that I believe physically assaults my hair. I’m nearly positive my hair is crying when I put the shampoo through it & it continues to cry until it gets oily again. In truth, my hair has probably been crying since I landed in Dubai.

I used to buy expensive shampoo + conditioner because I spend a lot of money highlighting & want to stretch the color as long as possible. I don’t want to waste the money I spent highlighting, by ruing my hair with bad product. Miss High Maintenance, Hiiii

That all went out the window when I got to Dubai. I RARELY do my hair. And when I do put in effort, it  means half blow drying it & leaving it down. Most often I braid it or put it up in a bun.

The neglect started when I ran out of my good ol American shampoo & couldn’t find the one I was previously using. Shortly after that, I found a few pieces of my hair that I think missed my last trim, so I cut them myself..?   I’ve never done that before.  Between nasty shampoo and a self trim, I  thought my hair was treacherous.  I started putting it in a ponytail every single day, which again I don’t think is good for your hair. The color started fading (probably just in my head) and it turned into Rapunzel length.  In a bad, ratty way.

So I booked an appointment to get my hair cut & highlighted.  BUT, I was completely terrified to show up to a nice salon with my hair being dried out, self cut & brassy. I went to Pinterest in last minute efforts to find a solution that could fake maintained looking hair until it was fixed.

Olive Oil.

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August 15, 2017

3 Long Hair Tips For The Lazy Girl

I have Rapunzel hair.

And as much as I would love to explain how I planned it that way & have spent years & years growing it long, that’s not 100% the case.  My hair grows like a weed.  Having short hair isn’t an option because it would take way too much effort to maintain.  Long hair is easy for me, I go to the Salon approx twice a year.

I get asked about my hair more than anything else. You know?  Like instead of “where did you get those granny Sketcher slide ons?” people ask about how I did the bun in my hair today.  I don’t know why…

3 Long Hair Tips For The Lazy

1.Don’t wash it.  I don’t wash it because I’m lazy AF.  I know it’s almost trendy these days to say how many days in between washes you are for your hair.  “I haven’t washed my hair in 5 days!”.  Well, I haven’t washed my hair since I was a child.  Once a month my mom had to force me to wash it, and I don’t think she wanted to either but as a mother you feel like you have to enforce rules.  It takes an hour to brush out & another 3 days to air dry.  I see no interest.


April 20, 2017

3 Things You Need To Stop Using – TODAY

I’m not a huge climate change advocate but it does break my heart to see what mother earth is going through, especially with some of our wasteful decisions – so I try my best to do little things that will hopefully make a difference. Creating less trash sounds like a good start.


March 28, 2017

My Easy, Everyday Makeup (free) Routine & 5 Reasons You Should Get On Board

I used to think makeup was important at work because it helps you look awake, alert, professional, clean, put together, on time – but I’ve had a shift in mentality recently.  I don’t want to put shit on my face when my computer screen & a few people are the only ones reaping the benefits.  Most of the time I don’t even look in a mirror so I’m not even able to marvel at my artwork.


October 7, 2016

Easy, Delicious & Different – Wild Rice Soup Recipe

Did you know? Wild Rice is very difficult to grow commercially because it’s best harvested with canoes or non motorized boats as the grass is super fragile…

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February 22, 2016

That Time I Tried Out For THE BACHELOR

In celebration of The Bachelor season in full swing, I thought it would be a perfect time to share my Bachelor audition story.

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May 19, 2014

Olive Oil + Hair

I saved my life.  More like my hair’s life.  I have super long, thick, blonde hair that has been severely neglected since my move to Dubai.