
September 4, 2018

What’s In Missbassmaster’s Grocery Cart | 2018

I typically shop at Trader Joe’s, Whole Food’s, and/or an Austin favorite – Central Market.  I can’t say I don’t go to Costco on the weekends either.  Grocery Shopping is a favorite activity for me.  It’s been this way ever since I learned about food & started being more conscious of what I’m eating.  I could spend hours x hours in a grocery store reading labels & discovering new foods.  Throw in the fact that Whole Foods lets you drink wine while you shop/eat?  I was sold a loooong time ago.  Can I stay forever?


April 4, 2016

Trader Joe’s Must-Have Groceries

I read every single label.

At first, this sounds high maintenance, but once you get through the tough part and have your staple grocery items in place.. It’s a breeze & totally worth it.

1 comment

March 30, 2016

The First Thing I Look For When I’m Overseas

However, I stand by my suggestion:  Stop in the local grocery store of the country you’re visiting or living in.

From there, you can learn what locals use to cook. What they grow up eating. If there’s any no-no’s. Or any must-eats.