
March 22, 2017

15 Things To Get Done This Spring

I hate getting comfortable.  I’m 50% a lover of routine & my home BUT I’m 50% ready to pack a suitcase & start a new life-altering adventure next Tuesday.  Too much comfort gives me anxiety. That’s why, with the change of seasons, I try to get my shit together.  Mix in a couple planned trips, organize my memories, and throw things out!

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September 3, 2016

10 Perfect Housewarming Gifts

I spent a lot of time on this list!  I’m going to a housewarming brunch this weekend & have been thinking about helpful gifts to bring.  It’s…

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March 30, 2016

The First Thing I Look For When I’m Overseas

However, I stand by my suggestion:  Stop in the local grocery store of the country you’re visiting or living in.

From there, you can learn what locals use to cook. What they grow up eating. If there’s any no-no’s. Or any must-eats.


March 25, 2016

Spring flowers – You Need To Wear Them

I could talk about floral clothing all day, every day, for the rest of my existence.  I didn’t realize my obsession until one of my friends noticed the only…

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February 14, 2016

Celebrate! It’s Valentines Day!

If you’re the Grinch of Valentines Day, I ask –> WHY? WHY?!?  WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! You’re obviously over thinking it.  I don’t associate Valentine’s day with romance or even buying gifts. I associate it with love, happiness, hugs, pink, flowers… what’s so bad about that?

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April 8, 2014

Miracle Garden Photos

Once upon a time, there was a Miracle Garden that grew in Dubai.

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